Tuesday 13 April 2021

I give to you...the perfect housewife...

 In my spare time, I love to collect and sell cotton fabric.

 It’s a ‘little escape’ from the day job  (I teach English) 

Back in the late 1990s/ early 2000s, Debbie Mumm fabric was ‘all the rage’. 

I discovered these particular designs and they immediately, ‘tickled me pink’!

 I mean, just look at the faces on these designs!

Talk about a woman who loves her role in life! 😆

I SO admire this lady because she represents perfection! 

She appears to be SO good at everything, doesn’t she? 

Taking it all in her stride, she certainly seems....

 SO calm, SO cool and SO collected.

What’s more...she has a baby (who has inherited his/her mother’s smile!)

   And have you noticed her change of attire? 

She takes a pride in her appearance too!

A different outfit for each task! 

To be honest, this woman is starting to get right ‘on my wick!’


She’s too good to be true!

And this is really letting the side down!

How can you be so flamin’ happy when you do the ironing?

But there she is...cheery as ever....grrrrrr! 🤣😂🤣

                                           (And I bet she bakes the best cakes!)

As far as I can see, there’s just one omission...

This cheery woman doesn’t appear to do any gardening!

But ‘you can bet your bottom dollar’ that if she did...she’d be up

to her knees in her wellies and up to her elbows in compost

(peat free of course), AND not forgetting

another pretty dress, talking to her lush, green plants

 and...smiling that happy smile! 😄

                                         So there’s the perfect housewife...

                                          .....if there ever was such a thing! 
                                         As for me... I’m now off to do the ironing...

                                          So, til next time! 😂🤣😂


  1. “What’s that Looby Loo?”
    “It’s all a fabric of lies”
    “And ‘Watch with mother, not watch with Mumm’”

  2. These pictures and your comments made me smile. I actually did some ironing myself at the weekend and the task was such an unusual one for me, I ended up with a still shoulder... I'll stick to gardening in the future!

  3. Wasn't that what we were all supposed to be in the 60s??

  4. I love ironing - as long as I can put the board up in the kitchen and look out into the back garden which right now is so pretty!
    Yes, as Barbara says - we all tried to be perfect as we went about the household chores - but I never wore high heels when vacuuming as the TV ads always showed, lol!

  5. Hahhhhhh... The Perfect Housewife. Hahhh....

    and a question, why do you iron? I haven't ironed in years. -smile- Never like it, so I stopped.

    Back when my husband used to be able to go to weekly Rotary Luncheons, I ironed a shirt for him.

    Now..... China/Covid.... No luncheons.... No need for an ironed shirt. -smile-

    Just sayin'....



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