Tuesday 20 April 2021



I was worried about my tulips.
I was worried they wouldn’t bloom.
Monty said,‘DON’T plant too early!’
But one, October afternoon..

I took the plunge and off I went,
The day was fine and bright.
“I’ll have the bestest tulips 
And they’ll be quite a sight!’’

I looked at all the names;
I read them so carefully.
There was ‘ Virichic’ and ‘Rococo’,
‘Creme Upstar and ‘Dynasty’

‘Salmon Jimmy, Viridiflora,
Couleur Car- din- al,
Varieties of ‘Parrot’...
That would go down well!

Emperor (Exotic),
 Not forgetting Apricot!
Each one would look super, 
In its frost free flowerpot.

The final two were Antoinette,
(A rather tasty yellow!)
And last of all, ‘Hearts Delight’
(A pretty, pinkish fellow!)

I planted all of my tulips,
Maybe a little too soon!
We had the wettest winter!
“My tulips will never bloom!” πŸ₯²

April came, t’was very cold
My pots, I scrutinised
In shock, I screamed,’ My Tulips!’
I surely was surprised!

Each and every bulb,
Surviving the winter’s cold,
Was showing off its beauty
With colours OH SO BOLD! πŸ‘

When it comes to autumn ‘21
I’ll know just what to do!
I’ll ignore the advice of experts 
And listen to ‘You know who’! 

( Sal Hall 19/04/2021)



  1. A delightful post, I am quite sure 🧐
    Such a lovely form of flowers 🌷
    Resplendent in colours oh so pure πŸ˜‡
    In that natural garden of ours 🌿🌱☘️

    Their names supplied for reference πŸ“–
    But what would be my preference (Ahem! πŸ₯΄)
    Red, yellow, pink, white or blue? 🌈
    No! My favourite two lips belong to you 😘

    A post not of memories nor of books πŸ“˜πŸ“—πŸ“•
    But of tulips, pretty common flowers 🌼🌷🌻
    Sure to attract a lot of looks πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
    ‘Cos it doesn’t ramble on for hours 😴

    (Aw! Isn’t that lovely? πŸ’‹)🐸

  2. I thank you for your kindest words
    And it’s only breakfast time!
    You did so well with your reply,
    And even made it rhyme!

    So I’m quite impressed with your response,
    It’s begun the day with glee
    And because you’ve done so well
    You can go and make the tea!


  3. Again! πŸ€—

  4. Not clever as you two!!!!! >,-))))))

    Gorgeous flowers!



Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)