Thursday 22 April 2021


     Hi there! I’m an Auricula! Don’t you think I’m rather lovely? I do! 😄

     Let me tell you all about myself!

     Firstly, I belong to the family, ‘ Primulaceae‘. 

I come in many varieties!

Firstly, there are the. ‘Show Auriculas’ :  Edged, Self , Striped or Fancy

Then there are ‘Alpine Auriculas’ : Light Centred, Gold Centred, Laced, Fancy.

And finally, ‘Other Auriculas:  Double, Border.

And believe it or not, I’ve been around for 500 years! Get that! 

That’s heaps longer than you! Just saying! And I’ll go on for a lot longer, yet!

I’m VERY cold tolerant; I DON’T like excessive heat or excessive moisture...

but I do thrive in moist well drained soil. 

However, I hate, loathe and detest acidic soil! 

Please remember that, if you decide to grow me in your garden.

Many people ‘show’ that means I am grown in a greenhouse or under glass

 in order to protect me from the weather. Many Auriculas ( but not all) have this 

coating called ‘Farina’, on their leaves or  flowers; if this is touched it can 

spoil our appearance. And there’s nothing like your appearance  being marred, 

is there?  Oh no..perish the thought!

So that’s all about me! The Auricula. Have a happy day! 😁


  1. I love them too.
    I remember the splendid displays at Hampton Court a few years back.
    However, I have always had this strange association when I hear their name with Funinculi funincula an operatic masterpiece by Luigi Denza.
    It’s the word play I suspect.
    Actually, it’s more than that, they are both masterpieces.

  2. Beautiful! and where do auriculas grow in the wild? They look like a mountain flower to me


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