Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone!

This year we have carpeted throughout in the best Axminster entwined with gold fleck, from Harrods. We’ve even carpeted the garden ( with the new weatherproof range) to save on mowing costs. The built in led lights add that extra sparkle and ooze affluence!

We had to have a 4th garage erected, this one for our Executive Bentley. Our chauffeur isn’t allowed to drive it so it mainly sits outside in the daytime, on show ...to make the neighbours gawp.

This year, I’ve added to my diamond and fur collection as one has to keep up appearances!

The cat swallowed my best pearls, last week and so we have had an enormous vet’s bill, hence I am not sending Christmas cards this year. 

Finally, ( and the best bit)  I have ditched my husband and I’ve run off with Selina’s
other half as Selina, suddenly and sadly ‘popped her clogs’. I’m so pleased because I inherit his initials, his name being ‘ Neville Oscar Barclay’  and placing the ‘S‘ for Sal in front, gives 
it such an appeal, don’t you think?

I hope that 2020 brings you much wealth, materialistic gains and your shares do as well as ours have! 

Sally and Neville Oscar Blakeley


Sent from my iPad


  1. Very cute Sal, humour at this time of year is great.

    Happy Christmas to You and Terry and Nich and Helen



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