Welcome to my theatre...aka my spring garden.
These little 'stars', above, are Anemone Blanda and they have been
an instant hit with me, in my front garden.
Having spent a couple of hours, this morning,
beavering away in my potting area, I took myself for a walk,
with my camera.
It's always a pleasure when spring greets you with such
beauty, colour and style, as if to say,
'Well, that was a good winter's sleep, now for some action!'
So...action we have....coming at me from all directions...
May I introduce to you, Scilla, Arabis, Primula, Celandine,
Narcissi (of various types), Primroses, Hellebores,
Muscari, Violets, Tulips, Cowslips, Heather, Forget-Me-Not,
Fritillary, Periwinkle, Cyclamen, Erysimum and even some lovely,
blue Rosemary, in bloom.
And that's just for starters; it is after all, only March!
Do enjoy this theatre...it is only Act 1 and
further players will enter the stage as the spring progresses
and the summer makes it entrance, later on.
But for now, let us enjoy the spring time and lap up
what is on offer on the 'stage' of my theatre.
I think that the scene is set for a very exciting
few months indeed!
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