Friday, 1 January 2016

Goodbye Christmas 2015; it was nice knowing you ! ;-)

So that's Christmas over and done with and what a fine time was had by all!

I have to say that I've really enjoyed this Christmas! ;-)

T'was our first Christmas in our new 'Garden Room', which we love.

 We'll certainly watch the seasons, with interest, from this delightful

new addition to our home.

Family, good company and cheery surroundings...that's what makes Christmas.

And of course, it really is a wonderful time when children

step over the doorstep and bring the house alone with

their fun, joy and laughter.

But now it's time to say, 'goodbye' and pack away Christmas until the end of the year....

....when it will start all over again!

See you soon, little chap!!



  1. Wonderful decorations, and a lovely room
    Happy New Year
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  2. That is lovely, Sal! Yes, farewell (just for a year) to the little chap! How lovely you have made your garden room look for Christmas! And lovely to see a real Christmas tree ... we had one, but then we always do. Can't stand artificial trees no matter how perfect they look. Now it's 2016 - so happy new year to you and yours!
    Margaret P


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)