Wednesday, 28 November 2012

All of this in Devon, this weekend!! Way hay!! ;-)

An  'overnight jolly' in Torquay is on the agenda for Mr S and myself,

 this weekend!

I can't wait ; after such a busy and stressful few weeks it will

be a real TREAT! ;-)

Who else is coming?

I am!!

I'd better round up the rest of the gals!!

Oooh...we will!!

And us!

Here we are, all ready for the off!

Not far to fly!

On Saturday, I'll be taking part in this Christmas fair

'All things Vintage and Lovely' at The Imperial Hotel, Torquay,

which is not too far from where I live!

This is something new for me but from all accounts it promises to

be the most wonderful day!

And that's not all!!

On Sunday, we'll be meeting up with

our lovely friends for a visit to an Exeter 'jolly jam'...


Finally... look at my 'find', this week!!

Ha ha...don't be fooled!!

I haven't stumbled across a box of vintage decorations!;-(

This is actually wrapping paper!!



  1. I cannot make any fairs this week-end she cried!
    I love that wrapping paper! Where can we get such wonmderful paper?
    Julie xxxxxx

  2. I see Christmas is well-and-truly on the way!

    And I'm looking forward to adding one of those angels to my tree ;-)

  3. Julie..

  4. Wishing you a very successful and enjoyable weekend!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)