Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Torquay was looking at its best, on Saturday!

A ten minute train ride beats sitting in traffic ...and so the train ride is what we did!

Certainly, the park departments work really hard in South Devon!

We enjoyed the surroundings as we strolled from the railway station to the harbour.

The day that Sal went to Torquay

and ........



  1. Ah, lovely! The sea front promenade is now open, too, Sal, after years of being closed to the public as it was unsafe. Now I presume it's safe again!
    Margaret P

  2. So 'Two went mad in Torquay!'
    Fancy seeing a boat named that!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  3. Always a delight to pop over in your world, and this was no exception, you brought back lots of childhood memories for me. Once a year my family would all go visit here and the memories are treasured. Take care x


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