Wednesday, 28 December 2011

The wonderful RAMM !!!

Just over four years ago, I opened the door to my blog!!

It's been a fun four years!

But as one door opened, another closed....for four years!

Everything was stored away and a grand refurbishment began!

And just about two weeks ago, four years on, on Dec 15th 2011,the doors opened again!

I'm talking about the fabulous RAMM!

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter.

It's been a long wait and I've been longing to see inside this fabulous old building!!

This morning, I jumped on the train with Nich and we ventured

to the city that I love!

Our sole aim was to visit the RAMM.

We'd forgotten that a few thousand children

would be doing the same and so it was...rather noisy!

Anyway, here are a few photos of what's on offer...and of course it is

all there to see, for free...including:

The Romans; The Middle Ages ; World War1 and World War 2;

Ancient Civilisations etc

It was certainly well worth the visit! Do go along if you can!

The displays are superb !

Today's visit was really to get

an overview and I will probably dive into the RAMM every time I visit Exeter,

in order to concentrate on one section at a time.

There was so much to take in!


  1. Thanks for letting me know it has reopened - I have often walked past the building heading to the needlework shop just beyond looking in hope that doors will be open again oneday soon.
    Has it changed much?
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. I loved those shoes especially (and I'm not a shoe person). Slippers something like those would be lovely. xx

  3. What a beautiful old building Sal ... so glad to see it has been refurbed (would have been knocked down round these parts and replaced with a modern carbuncle no doubt). Boy you know you are getting old when you recognise your old 70s platform shoes in a museum lol ... Happy new blogging year xx

  4. Great to know it is now open will have to pop in next time we are in Exeter it looks good.


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