Sunday, 11 December 2011

On the move!

Hello everyone! It's Meggy here!

I'm 10 months old now!

I know that's old, cos I heard mummy say so!

I also keep hearing this word...


I know that it's special as mummy keeps getting excited

and daddy keeps telling her to calm down!

I went to see my Grandma and Grandad, yesterday and imagine

my surprise when I saw....

Shiny shiny!!

And all over the house were these lovely Christmas things.

Even Uncle Nich had decorated his room!

And finally...

I have some exciting news!

I am on the move!!

I don't mean that I am moving house...I mean that

I can now crawl!!

I only started this week but I am getting quite good at it already!

Poor mummy and daddy! ;-)

Bye for now...

Love, Meggy



  1. Hi Meggy Moo

    I was as chuffed as little mint balls to see you crawl yesterday. (Werthers naturally)

    That was an extra special Christmas gift that I shall treasure for always.

    Mind you, it wouldn't have mattered had you not because to see you was still a special treat

    All my love Anonymous Granddad XXX

  2. Look how big she has gotten. What a sweetie. Wonderful Christmas decorations there Sal. Very bright and beautiful. Have a lovely day.

  3. Hi Meggy - Now the fun crawl as far as possible then someone says what are you doing over there and then pick you up and take you back to the starting point so you have to start all over again! I know its not fair but mummies and daddies think its fun!
    Tell grandma her shiny things are very very pretty.
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  4. Hi Meggy, there will be no stopping you now, just don't grab that tree to try pulling yourself upright!
    Fabulous decorations, its beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
    Carol xx


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