Friday, 2 September 2011

Today, September is the new July! ;-)

It might well be September but here in our garden, today, the flowers are behaving

in a July kind of fashion!

They show no sign of fading or slowing down but maybe that's because

I'm a big one for dead - heading!!

This summer, I've loved the garden and my vote for best flower

has to go to:

Gazanias... galore!

They have been beautiful. I'm drying the dead heads and saving the seed!

Hot on their heels ... all the rest!

I have loved the pretty mauve of the Antirrhinums,

which I grew from seed.

And even in the parts of the garden which are more 'leafy' than 'flowery',

the beauty still shines through.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.....hopefully the sun will shine for you all!

;-) x


  1. Lovely flowers Sal. Sadly up here in the North our gardens are now looking rather the worse for wear and everything is going rapidly to seed. Thanks for cheering me up.

  2. What a very pretty garden
    Julie xxxxxxx

  3. Just gorgeous pictures. We have had quite a bit of rain in August which we really needed earlier and my roses are suddenly outdoing themselves. In fact I don't think I have had such a show ever:)

  4. What beautiful photos. Love the colors in your garden. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend too.

  5. Such a pretty floral display!
    Margaret P

  6. Missed you ,lovely lady, at Mandie's pretty garden today ---- Oh! And there was a Cream Tea!

  7. Lovely, lovely flowers. Your garden must be so pretty! Starting to cloud over here in Honiton now.

    First thing I saw on your blog was Sept 24th A date not to miss! Thanks for reminding me it is my wedding anniversary!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)