Sunday, 5 June 2011

The Vintage and Handmade Textile Fair

This was my favourite stall at yesterday's Vintage and Handmade Textile Fair.

Not only were the items beautifully made and displayed

but the stall holders, Katie and Nat (aka Mr and Mrs Textile Treasure Seeker)

brought along their gorgeous baby daughter, Sophie (aka Little Treasure)

to enjoy the day with them!

A vintage lover in the making, I'd say!

And if you peep closely you can even see that the baby theme was

continued in their display!!

A fine day was had by all as the steady flow of customers

mingled amongst beautiful fabrics, balls of wool,

tweed jackets, kits to make children's clothes, brooches...

...not forgetting the abundance of handmade items and all the accessories

needed to aid one's sewing projects.

And, of course, every kitchen needs one of these....

Thank you to Michele and Jayne for organising

another, fine 'Vintage and Handmade' event!

In two weeks time, on Saturday June 18th, I will be trundling across

Dartmoor, with my fabrics, to take part in a new vintage

event at Tavistock...details on my sidebar.

More about this very soon!



  1. My goodness, you were posting early this morning Sweetie! Lovely to see you again yesterday - it certainly was a lovely day, wasn't it?
    And Sophie IS such a Little Treasure, isn't she?

  2. I can see quite a lot I would like, looks like a great day out.

  3. I'll be in Okehampton on 18th so I may see you again!
    Julie xxxxxx

  4. I sooo wish I could have been there, but selling at a another fair (had a good day though which makes up for it!). Looks as though it was fab. M x

  5. It looks like a fabulous fair - I am filling a virtual basket as I browse your photos! lol! x

  6. It looks wonderful, I only wish I lived nearer.
    Ann x

  7. I too was at the fair yesterday - it was a lovely afternoon and your stall was gorgeous. I've blogged about it today and put some photos of your stall and a link to your website!!!

  8. You are always first off the mark with your blog posts Sal! It was a lovely day with gorgeous stalls....can't wait for the next one now!


  9. What beautiful handmade items there.

  10. That baby is going to grow up soaked in vitage. Nice to see the materials back in prominence on your blog.

  11. Lovely to see you and Mr Snippets yesterday and your immaculate collection of fabrics. I think baby Sophie should be our official V & H mascot.. she is such a darling little baby and obviously enjoys vintage style as I didn't hear her cry all day.
    Hope you have a great time in Tavistock.. wish I could be there too.
    Michele x

  12. How fabulous is that tea cosy!

    Victoria xx

  13. Hello! Thank you sooooo much for your lovely words about the Treasures..and for featuring my bits and bobs in your blog post (I feel very honoured!) Little Treasure had a lovely time at the fair and is sure to grow up loving vintage!! Katie x


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