Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Splashes of colour ;-)

'Tidy up time' has taken place in my garden and at first sight

you might think that the garden is positively colourless...

until you look more closely!

Oh, how I love this time of year in the garden!

Everything is so new and friends are popping up all

over the place to say, 'hello'!


I don't think so!



  1. I had a lovely day in my garden tidying up and planting out, and enjoyed discovering all those wonderful splashes of colour coming up everywhere.

    Your garden looks equally as colourful, glad you had a good day.

  2. Mmmmm lovely spring flowers - my favourites. Loads of primroses here.

  3. Beautiful lovely pretty pictures Sal. Your garden is looking very nice and inviting.
    Sarah x

  4. You have a lot more colour than us - although after a few warm wet days, more plants are waking up!

  5. Hello, what a gorgeous garden! I love all your flowers, they look very healthy (and definitely colourful!) ... I can sense that it's going to grow even lovelier once the summer arrives! Sarah x

  6. These days the garden is developing quicker than I can post about it! Isn't spring a lovely time (especially with this gorgeous weather!)

  7. Beautiful splash of color. Just scrolled down to see your other posts and love the baby photos, adorable.
    Have a wonderful day.


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)