Wednesday, 30 March 2011


Yes, I'm...really floundering!

And this is the reason...

The GCSE English spec has changed and that means....hard work!

New poems to get to grips with, for a start!

And so for the past few days, I've been spending a lot of time at my place of work.

I don't really mind as it's a lovely environment in which to be.

However, I am anything but this right now...

Yet, sometimes, a simple break can help matters and so yesterday,

I made my way to another part of the house for a bit of an escape!

Do you keep a notepad and pen by your side at all times?

Are you anything like me, with an overactive imagination?

With the help of some fave fabric scraps and some CK cards,

I decided to make myself a simple booklet to keep

right by my side at all times so that I could jot down

any ideas which spring to mind. thing leads to another, doesn't it?

I made another one, to keep by my bedside...

One to keep in the kitchen...

One for my bag...

One for by the bath (!)

And a few extra to sell!

Cheap 'n cheerful!

Finally, the winner of my last giveaway:

Lemonade Kitty

Please send me your address!

And now..I have to fly...

I now have a date with 'Sister Maude' and some 'Nettles' !

Which sounds pretty painful and believe me, it is!



  1. I love your classroom. I wish you lived nearer and my boys could go they would love it. Hey by the way my youngest now has a real passion for books, thanks for your positive words all those months ago Sal.
    Nettles? ? ?

  2. Your tuition room looks fab and so inspiring - surely no-one could leave there without a passion for reading! The notebooks are lovely - clever idea!

  3. Sal,
    I have had to get my head around all the new units/poems etc for the new spec so if you need any help or resources, just ask

  4. Lovely to see you making again Sally

  5. So cosy and colourful. What a lovely place to learn in.

  6. Delightful classroom, pretty materials and superb crafting. But what on earth are Sister Maude and Nettles? Well, I know what nettles are but not Nettles, capital N. Not John Nettles, I trust, har, har!
    Margaret P

  7. Wish I could come and play in your classroom Sal.
    twiggy x


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