Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Enjoying looking more than buying..and a giveaway! ;-)

Yesterday, a visit to a local garden centre certainly

whet the old appetite for gardening!

And it was all very lovely..but oh my, the prices!!

I had my eye on this boat shaped arbour, last year...

it's still there!

These Hellebores were especially lovely.

As was this Acacia.

But I came home from here empty handed ....

sometimes you just have to enjoy looking more than buying!

Anyway , as spring is in the air, I thought it was about time for a giveaway!

Simply comment on this post, saying which is your favourite

garden plant in the spring garden.

That's it!



  1. Hi Sal
    Beautiful pictures.
    Have to say my favourite spring garden plant is a shrub the Forsythia the bright yellow flowers are in bloom before the leaves
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. Yes Sal - I have noticed the prices have gone up too - but then they have to if everything else has gone up, don't they?

    My favourite flower this time of the year is the lenten rose (hellebore) - they are just coming out in my garden.

    In our local supermarket there were lovely colourful tubs yesterday but I resisted the temptation.

  3. What a pretty sight at your garden centre - it looks very tempting. Clever you to resist! My favourite Spring plant has to be the snowdrop. Maybe that's strictly a winter plant, but for me it heralds the fact that Spring is not far away!

  4. My favourite flower of spring would be the deep purple hellobores growing in my garden right now:0)

  5. I have to agree with you that the Hellebores is especially lovely! Your blog is quite lovely, itself! Thanks for having a giveaway! My fingers are crossed!

  6. I know just what you mean about prices - I really crave apussy willow but the £40 puts me off - hope the baby is blooming !!

  7. They are all gorgeous but the hellebore's are probably my favourites... followed closely by tulips

  8. Tete a Tete daffodils for me x

  9. Lovely pictures! I love Narcissi. Abby x

  10. hyacinths or daffodils or forsythia XX off to a garden centre myself tomorrow yippee XX

  11. It has to be the Primrose, I love the butter milk colour and it makes me smile, mind you most flowers do that.

  12. I have tried unsuccessfully to grow hellebores, my favourite spring flowers, but for a bright splash of colour, nothing beats the purple 'carpet' at Dartington Hall Gardens of crocus in full bloom. They are there for such a short time but really gladden winter-dulled eyes.
    Margaret P

  13. daffs all the way!! i love the boat arbour too - the colours are fantastic xx

  14. Hi Sal, well, how do you choose when Spring flowers are your favourite flowers? After much heart searching, the quiet snowdrops win it by a petal from the blowsy hellebores.
    Carol xx

  15. lovely pics!!

    my fave has to be daffs - so so sunny and springy!! xx

  16. I agree with you Sal. I rarely go to garden centres for this very reason. I rely on propagating and swapping quite a lot for my garden. Although saying that I do treat myself to bulbs and a small amount of spring/summer bedding, and dahlias of which I manage to kill every year! I'd have to say cowslip as my favourite spring plant, and I love crocus too. x

  17. I love seeing patches of crocuses pop up in the park in the Spring and around the edge of the lawn. Very pretty :)
    karen s
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  18. daffs for me, just because they are so large and bright and spring like, and they make me think of my birthday too!!

    Looks like a lovely mooch around the garden centre - but yes, the prices are shocking (although that boat arbour is lovely!)

  19. Hi there
    I had my head turned last summer by the lovely 'boat' seat at my local garden centre, but do not really need it and can't justify the price of £350!
    My garsen has baby aconites peeping through after this long hard winter and they cheer the heart!

  20. Sal I love the boat arbour, when we finally move I am going to try to find an old wooden boat to make similar!
    Lovely flowers.
    T x

  21. I love my Daphnes - I have two and they both smell divine!

  22. I agree about the prices - I was in a grden centre last week and was horrified - a pot with 3 or 4 snowdrops was £3.50!! (I recently got two pots crammed full at a roadside stall for £1.50 each) As to my favourite spring flower - I think it has to be the hellebore - unless snowdrops can count as spring rather than winter!!

  23. Some places are really expensive! We are lucky because a greengocers in our local town sells plants and bulbs at affordable prices so that's where I head.

    My favourite has to be primroses (especialy when you see all the gorgeous colours massed together) but I also like scillas and the lovely blue anemone blanda. Mx

  24. PS Just to say that the 'boat' arbour would look so good in our garden, as our new summerhouse, built by husband last summer, is painted in almost the same shades! I've now shown the picture of the arbout to him and suggested he makes one for me!
    You can guess the response, can't you?
    Margaret P

  25. Oh it just has to be daffodils for me, I love them all but the delicate creamy white ones are my favourites!

  26. Ow it has to be big blousy tulips once in a vase they seem to have mind of their own swaying allover the place and mot standing up straight!! lol Lucey xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)