Tuesday, 4 March 2025



I had cats on my mind, yesterday! Whatever possessed me?

People who know me well, are fully aware that I hate the damn things! I think that’s due to being an avid gardener and bird lover but I get really annoyed that other people’s cats can come into my garden and wreak havoc! Which they do!

The trouble is that there are cat lovers amongst my family and friends and thus I don’t want to fall out with them, do I? I just don’t get other people’s obsession with the blimmin’ things! And the number that get run over on the roads around here… and probably everywhere! It’s crazy! ( Apologies to all cat lovers!πŸ˜†πŸ˜±)

So, with cats on my mind, I knocked up four cards! 🐈 

And then I thought about the delightful poem by Eleanor Farjeon. My reception classes loved it! I think many people know this one. 

Cats sleep anywhere,

Any table, any chair

Top of piano, window ledge

In the middle, on the edge,

Open drawer, empty shoe,

Anybody’s lap will do

Fitted in a cardboard box

In the cupboard with your frocks-

Anywhere! They don’t care!

Cats sleep anywhere.

( But not in my house! 😁)

As well as this, there was a book that I used to frequently read to the children: 

Of course, I did love the theatre production of ‘Cats’; I saw it twice in London, with the original cast and once in Plymouth some years later. Based on T.S.Eliot’s ‘ Old Possums Book of Practical Cats’, I thought it was superb.

Meanwhile, at least I know a number of cat lovers who will appreciate a card from me!

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