Thursday 22 August 2024

Slow stitching…what’s the point?

Firstly…I need to say that I don’t have a clue what I’m doing! 😂 😂 😂

I’ve had ‘slow stitching’ on my mind for some time and ever since I sold some vintage fabric to someone who said that she was doing some ‘ slow stitching’. I’d never heard of it!

And so on a very dull day, last week, I gathered together some ‘scraps’ and thought that if I did that I might feel inspired!

A while ago, I purchased these two books, above, but at the time, I was busy crocheting and thus I put them aside for the time being.

Anyway, what to do?! 

And then I thought, ‘Houses!’ 

 I’d been reading through my blog and I stumbled across something that I’d made in 2010…I think I was making covers for some note books at the time…using the sewing machine.

And so houses it was…basic, but a start!

And I fiddled around, just making it up as I went!
Is that what slow stitching is all about?

I’m still not sure about the point of it all! And I’ve been reading all about slow stitching and looking at various photos..and it all seems so…messy! 

I have plenty of scraps, fabric, lace, trim, etc and maybe I’d be better off putting together some kits of some sort! 

Or maybe, I’ll persevere!

Does anyone else do this slow stitching? If so, please 
do comment as I’d love to know your thoughts.



  1. The houses are gorgeous. I wouldn't even know how to begin making one. Xx

  2. No, I don't do slow stitching. It's supposed to be restful and therapeutic but it would drive me nuts. I always want to finish and get onto the next project, if I've got one on hand.

    1. Thank you.
      Whilst I found this site an interesting read:

      when I got to the heading, ‘ You can embrace your own imperfections’ and then I looked at the photo…well..this is where I simply don’t see the point! It doesn’t shout out anything of quality…so I assume that it’s as you say, done for therapeutic reasons. I’m finding it hard to get my head around why on earth anyone would want to produce that! 😁


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)