Saturday 5 August 2023

The BIG fight! πŸ¦”πŸ¦”πŸ¦”πŸ¦”πŸ¦”πŸ¦”πŸ¦”

This is probably the best hedgehog footage that we have to date! It made me smile!

Meanwhile, if you haven’t already discovered this website, then do click on this link…



  1. Great footage! I'm intrigued - is it territorial or courting behaviour?

    1. Well…we think it might be two males…so possibly territorial!

  2. Great to see them having a tussle around the food bowls. Sometimes our badger visitors do that too. So lovely to have hedgehogs we rarely see one here perhaps because of the badgers :)

  3. Lots of shoving and huffing and puffing - hedgehog style.

  4. Brilliant video - really enjoyed it. We have hedgehogs in Herefordshire and , although these days I haven't seen one around at home, I have found their droppings in the garden so hopefully they are still around.

  5. What a scuffle... one too many in territory.
    My girlfriend had an hedgehog in the garden, he always nibbled on the cat food...
    unfortunately I haven't discovered an Ingel with me yet, maybe I live too close to the field.
    happy evening to you

  6. That looks much like me and Lily, each trying to get the last chocolate in the packet :)

  7. Wow, they're really going at it aren't they?


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