Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Cocktails, darling?


Mai Tai I introduce you to Geum Mai Tai...a rather tasty little Geum for the bees... as it is nectar rich! 

The RHS adds ‘Cocktail Series’ to its name..and you can see why! It has orange/pinkish/yellowy tones that remind me of those fruit salad sweets that we used to buy when we were young. Yum!

Mai Tai belongs in a border but right now it’s in a large pot and I’ve teamed it with Fragaria x ananassa ‘Pink Panda’, which is an ornamental Strawberry plant. This one is well worth the money as it has a very long flowering period, from May through to September.

Meanwhile, there is plenty going on in the garden as far as colour is concerned.

The Nemesia also have a decidedly cocktail-ish ‘flavour’ about them...

...and tucked away in a corner of the patio, is this little Viola, which I re-potted recently as it looked quite weary with no buds whatsoever. It’s amazing what a bit of tlc can do! Lo and behold, its vivid yellow blooms really bring the corner to life, 

And talking of bright yellow..these are still going strong...the teeny, tiny narcissi making a BIG impact...it’s as if they don’t want spring time to end.

Finally, in another patch, pretty plants are partying hard! Pulmonaria, Azalea and Geranium seem to be the ringleaders! But I think anyone can join in..and after all, why not, as we do have....

             ...the cocktails! 🍹 🍸  🍹 🍸 🍹 🍸  🍹 🍸 🍹 🍸  🍹 🍸

1 comment:

  1. What a bright and beautiful sight! I must look out for that Geum and treat myself to some more late Daffodils for next spring. I love brightly coloured flowers when they have dainty little blooms, they light up the garden so well. isn't it fun seeing everything coming to life?


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