Saturday, 25 July 2020

Gardening Gals!

              Every now and again, you come across a piece of fabric that really
              makes you..... SMILE!  ðŸ˜€

              ‘Gardening Gals‘ ( designed by Kari Pearson), was always one of
               my favourites when I was first selling fabric.

                I sold a lot of this but I kept one piece simply because I believe in that

                very sentiment:

               â€˜Gardening gladdens the heart and sweetens the soul‘

I mean..just look at their faces...oh the joy!


              This is exactly how I feel when I go into the garden because I know

              the pleasures that will follow. Maybe, it will be the sight of a butterfly,
              a busy bee or a bud bursting open. Or it might be a wonderful waft of
              lovely scent from the sweet peas. The delights never fail to bring joy!


         And if I was still teaching in school, I might use this piece of fabric as inspiration

         for some art or creative writing...

      The names, Poppy, Daisy, Pansy, Petunia and Rose immediately spring to mind!

      Whatever they are called, it certainly looks as if they are having a grand day!

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