I've loved the garden this year! Everything has behaved!
It dare not with me in charge!!
Whilst June and July seemed to have been full of pinks, blues and purples,
August has entered with the theme of yellow...and so sunny it is too!!
Rudbeckia, Coreopsis and Echinacea (to name a few), appear to have popped up
without me almost noticing...and thus nudged other plants out of the way!
It's lovely, as we haven't had the sunniest of Julys!
August isn't that great either!
But the yellow in the garden has more than made up for the lack of sun.
My one 'pain in the neck' has been a mole!
Molehills everywhere!!
I bought a 'gizmo' but that hasn't worked too well
and thus 'Molevolio' ( as a friend nicknamed it)
is still being a right nuisance!!!
Oh well...I suppose they have to exist somewhere!

Meanwhile, I'm hoping that the days of buying endless bags of compost, will soon be over!
We are now the proud owners of three compost bins...thanks to my other half!
It's all going on at the bottom of the garden!
And as these photos were taken a month ago, I can now report that the bins
are in use and we are composting whatever we can !!
(Within reason!)
This all occurs behind my summerhouse!
Oh yes! It's a wonderful thing, the garden!!
I wonder what September has in store?
May I give you a tip for moles? Well it worked for us. Children's Windmills! You know the ones, you buy them on the beach. Put then in the ground, the wind turns them, the moles do not like the vibration. Get the grandchildren to make some.....
ReplyDeleteJulie xxxxxxx
Your garden is looking wonderful, so bright and cheerful no wonder Mr Mole wants tostay in it:)