Saturday, 17 January 2015

Sally Hall Tuition ;-)

It's certainly 'all go' at Sally Hall Tuition, right now!

Jan 2015 has started off very well.

My places are full... but if you are thinking of some English

tuition for your child then do give me a call so that we can talk about

your child's needs and put you on to my waiting list.

My room is an inspiring place to be and indeed I love to work in it 

when I am preparing my lessons. 

I listen to music as I work and my tastes are varied!

I have a wealth of books and materials in my classroom. 

Part of my tuition service is to offer the loan of many of my reading books 

at no extra cost.

I'd sooner see the books off my shelves, being enjoyed!!

Each child has a book bag and can take as many books as they please, 

for the week.

I'm a huge believer in daily reading and my shelves are full

of fiction, non fiction, poetry, plays etc.

When I first started my business, I invested very heavily in good books.

I had come across another tutor who had very few books and

was happy to use the child's school reading book.

That, to me, was limiting and so I set about

putting my knowledge of children's literature

into practice...and I haven't looked back.

That's partly what makes my tuition business unique; I am

so well equipped when it comes to children's literature.

In order to write, children need to be inspired!

They also need to be shown how to write, properly!

I've been blessed with a good imagination and so I don't find this

a difficult task.

At the moment, I'm spending a lot of time tackling

creative writing with many of my pupils.

I'm always on the look out for things which inspire and this week's

inspiration has come from a piece of art which I found in Sherborne.

Thus, winter stories and poems have resulted from it.

But there is much in my room to grab one's attention, be it football,

sailing, dancing... or pirates and adventures on the high seas!

I think, most of all, that I want to give the children a happy place in which to

 learn. Happy children will succeed. Simple as that ;-)

Sally Hall Tuition looks forward to hearing from you!

And now...all of this chatting has made me ...


  1. Oh how I wished I had someone like you as my teacher in my formative years, just reading this post has inspired me. I wish I had someone like you when I needed extra tuition for my sons and was told off by the school for doing this but my answer was I am the children's mother and as I was paying it was up to me what I did! Lets just say the teacher was not impressed with me.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. That looks like a very happy room Sal! x


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)