Wednesday, 17 July 2013


I spotted this next book, recently and just had to buy it

 because of the fascinating story which exists alongside it!

In Brockhampton Church, near the River Wye, in Herefordshire

there is an altar cloth, embroidered with sixty of England's

loveliest, wayside flowers.

It was donated to the church, anonymously, after both the cloth

 and the book were completed .

How I'd love to visit the church!

Carved on the panels of the choir stalls are forty eight wild flowers

many of which can be found in the surrounding area.

It was the work of these Victorian craftsmen that moved the 

author of this book and the creator of the alter cloth to take up

her work, as a tribute to those who went before her.

The book is so charming and is full of fascinating information about

each flower...

folklore, literature, recipes and remedies. 

Here are a few of them :

This book, along with the book featured on my last blog post,

is going to make a birthday gift, tomorrow, for someone very special...

my mum.

I know that she will love them and really enjoy

reading them both because wild flowers and poetry

are just her thing!!



  1. A gorgeous book, Sal. I use a cream which is made from mainly comfrey to ease arthritis - it works, even though the effects are short-term, but even short-term is better than not at all!
    Margaret P

  2. Ooh I know I shouldn't covet it but I do!..x

  3. Fascinating Sal...I would love to see the cloth too...I love hand embroideries!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx


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