Saturday, 19 January 2013


We're all feeling sad in my family, at the moment.

My dad is very ill and he's been in hospital. 

He is in the late stages of Alzheimer's and will not get better.

The last few years have not been easy, especially for my mum

who has cared for him, day in, day out.

There have been family disagreements along the way but...

only because we care!

My mum has soldiered on.

 Even though she has not been in the best of health herself,

her sense of duty has not wavered.

I know that she will never look back and think to herself,

'I could have done more.'

Anyone who knows anything about this horrible disease

will know what it entails.

All I know is that it's a very 'steep learning curve', dealing with someone

 who has Alzheimers !

 I can only hope that my dad is as comfortable as possible, during his

remaining days.

The photo above was taken a year ago, when Meggy visited.

He loved seeing Meggy.

Sadly, I don't think he will get to know her little brother,

who is due very soon.


  1. So very sorry to read this post, Sal.
    My dad had Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's, so I do know what the family is going through.
    My thoughts are with you.
    Z xx

  2. So sorry, Sal. It must be a terrible disease for all affected by it, family and sufferer. Hope memories of happy times are helping ypu get through these difficult times.
    Carol xx

  3. Oh Sal - This post quite upset me. Keep the happy memories and the fun times remembered.
    It is a horrible disease it is not easy for anyone. I am thinking about you.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. Oh my friend....I am so so sorry that you have been going through all this....I have been there and I really do know how hard it all dad had a terrible stroke and lived 17 years is so hard.
    I will be praying for him and all of you wishing him a quite peaceful time......your dear mum....bless her....

  5. What a really lovely photo of both your Dad and Meggy...remember those happy times always.
    None of you could have done more for him...but it is all so very, very sad.
    Wishing you loads of strength in the coming weeks.
    Lots of love
    Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  6. Thinking of you and your family at this time Sal
    Sarah x

  7. Sorry to hear your sad news Sal. Thinking of you and your family. x

  8. Thinking of you, and yours too. It is such a sad situation, and as your mum says, she has done as much as she can.
    Big hugs to you all xx

    Sharon xx

  9. Big hugs to you and your lovely Dad Sal and the rest of your family. It's horrible watching your parents suffer, remember the good times and know you have all done all you can
    Twiggy x


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