Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Looking back and looking forward to...

On Sunday, I was lucky enough to have visitors!

My lovely children, Helen and Nich...plus of course

Helen's wonderful husband, Ben... and not forgetting little Meggy.

I've been struggling with a stinking, streaming cold for a few days

now and so, sadly, cuddles were out of the question

but ... they spoilt me!

Helen did this photo montage for me!

A wonderful reminder of how much I loved being a young mum!

And Nich...well he knows me so well!

I had only recently mentioned how much I had enjoyed these,

'Great British Railway Journeys'

A lovely surprise...thank you!

Not forgetting other goodies...they are so kind.

And Meggy gave me a mug!

Meanwhile, last week I started to get ready for my next fair.


Totnes...March 31st.

....packing up feedsack pieces and vintage cottons...some in a cup!

What's more, Helen is enjoying a little bit of crafting

whilst Meggy has her daytime naps!

She presented me with some more lovely greetings cards for my stall.

Hope to see some of you at Totnes, where I shall be sharing

a little ' room' with my friend, Amanda!

Do come along! ;-)


  1. Hope you are over your cold ... sounds as thought the spoiling helped. We really enjoyed the Great Train Journeys too. Lovely cards.

  2. aahh that montage is lovely what a gorgeous idea. Nice to hear you were spoilt especialy after you feeling poorly. Good luck at the fair your friends cards look lovely. dee x

  3. I'm glad you were spoilt, especially in view of having a ghastly cold! I love the way you have packaged up all your fabrics for Totnes - would so very much like to be able to get there...Lovely for Helen to be able to grab herself some crafty time - she has been most productive!

  4. Sorry to hear that you're suffering with the sniffles :-( got to get fit by the 31st for Nostalgic Mix!
    You have some gorgeous fabrics coming with you I see...like the cup idea!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  5. hope you are feeling better and glad you had such a lovely mother's day x

  6. Looking forward to seeing you on sat Sal. I too have the cold from hell!! It seems to be a virulent south west strain and it's my second this year ... think I may donate my body to cold research!!
    Love Lesley XX


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