Sunday, 14 August 2011

Simply stunning : The Garden House ;-)

If you think that you really know what 'gawjus' is all about...

then you need to think again!!!

Today, we made our way across Dartmoor, to visit 'The Garden House'.

I wish I could've taken each and every one of you with us!

The Garden House is situated between the villages of Crapstone

and Buckland Monachorum.

It is 1.5 miles west of Yelverton, 5 miles from Tavistock

and 10 miles from Plymouth.

Rachel de Thame said that it is perhaps the most breath-taking of all gardens

and I have to say exactly the same!

In particular, the herbaceous borders were strikingly beautiful.

I now know where all the bees in the country have gone...they are here!

And I don't blame them!

Bees buzzed as they busied themselves amongst the borders; the air was full of

a constant gauze of beautiful sound.

It was a joy to watch and listen to.

We walked...

..and occasionally sat...

We ooohed...

and frequently ahhhhed!

Now you see him...

Now you don't...

Stately, red Lupins certainly were the order of the day here!

But other colours played their part in these glorious surroundings.

When we reached this part of the garden, it took my breath away;

a large area of wild flowers, dominated by Poppies.

A thing of beauty is...

...a joy forever.

John Keats certainly got that right when he wrote 'Endymion'!

Finally, there was a small plant centre...

I came home with three lovely Dahlias , ninety nine photos (!)

and a desire to return to The Garden House, very soon!

It was the nicest of days! ;-)

Here's some useful info:



  1. I saw none of this as I was bedazzled by your own natural beauty

    Did I do right? That is what you said isn't it?

  2. Oooooh! Must go and find those gardens next time I'm that way!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  3. OH MY!!!!!
    How simply spectacular!
    LOVE the holyhock, lupin and pink daisy border particularly and the wild poppies too...overwhelmingly beautiful!
    lol...Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  4. Gorgeous post - please share at Fishtail Cottage's Garden Party this upcoming week? xoxo, tracie

  5. I remember visiting The Garden House many years ago while on holiday and it has stayed in my mind ever since as the most beautiful place ever. Thank you for reminding me how lovely it is. xx

  6. How lovely these gardens are! And your pictures are great! I think some are worth to be turned into greeting cards...
    I`m a new follower because I love it here!
    Tina in Germany

  7. Thank you. It's posts like these that get me out in the garden and working (and enjoying). xx

  8. Yes, The Garden House is really special, Sal. And for your next visit, it's close to Buckland Abbey (one-time home of Sir Francis Drake) so you could perhaps visit both.
    Margaret P

  9. Wow, what fantastic photos. You're right, it is simply stunning!

  10. Lovely photos .....beautiful poppies and lupins...ciao Alison

  11. Stunning indeed. Fantastic photos.
    Carol xx

  12. That is the most beautiful garden I have ever seen...Absolutely stunning. Your photos were very nice too:)

  13. Wow, wow, wow!! I particularly like the wildflowers!!

    I posted about what I made with my love prize yesterday if you have time for a look (don't get too excited though, lol!!):

    S x


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)