Friday, 30 July 2010

Soz, cuz , gr8 and things like that!

So you get this text message:

'Gd am!
Soz this is such short notice but just remembered it's the Rowcroft linen sale 2day!
Cud pick u up at 8.30 if u wud like 2 go... or meet in the queue'

( you go to 'Google Translate'...LOL!)

And then you send a reply saying that you can't make it due to being on taxi duty for one's son... but....
'Please do grab me something'!!

'And do call for coffee afterwards, if you have time!'

And this is what she grabs you...a
lovely vintage embroidered tablecloth!
And you have coffee and a good old natter..vintage style, naturally!

It must have been a day for beautiful things as some scrummy vintage fabric arrived at your place too! So you get busy ironing and folding like crazy, to get ready for the Homespun Fair at Portscatho, next Sunday 8th August .

And you also put some of it here in your vintage fabrics blogshop.
(on the sidebar)

And then you try to 'educate' yourself...

but ur so soz about this cuz ur useless at this txt spk but it has 2b said...

OMG time 2 go!
hagw evry1
cu l8er!

Sal ;-)


  1. Lovely stuff, Sal. Andy absolutely hates "short text" and refuses to have any part of it, dinosaur that he is. I must say, my mum is very good at it (prob from texting her grand children) but it seems very strange coming from her and takes me ages to decipher it! Have a good weekend.
    Hen x

  2. LOL. I didn't catch a word of that, but you do have some lovely fabrics!

  3. Love the vintage table cloth its really pretty.
    I do understand text speak but I do hope the English language doesn't end up like it!
    Julie xxxxx

  4. I dont do text speak...not through any huge hatred of it rather that I can't do it!!Love the birdies!

  5. How utterly gorgeous is that cloth?!
    I do not like text speak. It took me months to find out what LOL meant!
    Jane (in Canada)

  6. Love those blue parrots or whatever - you do have interesting stuff down there.

  7. Wonderful cloth, "got" most of your text speak apart from "Soz".......... shall "Google" it. :O))))

  8. :) The text speak is funny when you see it written down like that! I do use some of it, but not as much as your last two sentences! Took me a minute to work out what hagw was! :)

    Love your vintage farics

  9. What on earth is Soz? Short for sozzled? I think perhaps not. I don't do text speak, either. I didn't go to grammar school for nuttin'!
    Margaret P

  10. hahahahahahaahahahaha!!!!!!!!! I recognize that msg(message) soz(SORRY!!!) about that! I agree, I don't really like 'text speak' either but when one is restricted to 160 characters it can be hard to squash it all in, chatty(vintage!) girl that I am! The cloth has come up well and I'm chuffed to bits with the beautiful fat quarters!
    Have a gr8 w/ omg ttfn an' all!!!
    Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  11. That must have been our lovely mutual friend - gorgeous cloth!

    Text speak is like another language...luckily even my 16 year old refuses to use it so I get messages that I can actually read!

  12. Pardon???
    I get messages like that from my nieces & nephews on FB.... I have no idea what they're talking about!!!
    Love the table cloth :)

  13. Your too funny - wheres the decoder ring LOL Jewels

  14. Oh my goodness?! Is the birdie cloth for sale? Me want badly!
    Thank-you so much for my BEAUTIFUL parcel! Cheered me up enormously! You're incredibly kind sweetie!


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