Friday, 5 June 2009

Preserving the countryside...or not!

I don't know if anyone has seen this piece of news. It caught my eye as it's local news for me.

And it made me so mad. Ooooh it made me see red!

I just wish that people had a better understanding of the countryside.

Meanwhile, I have just won this little gem below, for 99p!

To add to my growing collection ( of two!)

To add to my very untidy 'Nature Table'!

Ah that's better..

And prompted by Jane, over at 'Posy blog' (I've been reading about her attempts to attract the birds!)...this one..again 99p!

I had this book years ago and seemed to recall that it had Woodpeckers on the back cover...

And when it arrived..guess what...

Knowing how much Mr Snippets loves the bird life in the garden, I shall share it with him.

Greater Spotted Woodpeckers have been visiting us regularly, this week... and it's a real joy to sit and watch them...and all for free!

Have a great weekend everyone!;-)


  1. Hi Sal,
    We've had a woodpecker close by on the peanut feeder at the cottage, he is a beauty so I love that book (very appropriate for your house). Hope you have a good weekend, despite the weather forecast.
    Hen x

    P.S. I think the nature table looks great, I know a certain 7 year old who would love it.

  2. Devon Highways Agency! Huh!
    Sweet reminiscences of childhood with the I-Spy book. And the mirror.. oh the mirror, my mum had one the same and my brother got rid of it when she died. Such a shame. Looking at yours brought back lovely memories.

  3. Thanks for your comments on my blog Sal. You know me already! But you are such a super sleuth and will be honing your skills with your I-Spy books, so I am going to leave you to figure it out for a while. :>

  4. i love your eye spy books!! we get quite a few birds in our garden but just recently we've got a loud scary magpie that wakes us up early, and chases everyone and the cats!!!
    felicity xx

  5. Hi Sal - we love feeding the birds too and have g.s.woodies on the peanuts - they bring their babies to eat too. It is better than watching TV in my opinion.
    Love the I Spy books. My goodness they bring back memories.

  6. Ooooh, I've never had a Woodpecker in my garden!
    Have a fab weekend
    Deb x
    PS: I wish it was MY moggie but sadly not...just on my long wishlist! Oh, and loving that mirror by the way...

  7. I love your nature table Sal, its fab...reminds me of when I was a little girl with a jam jar of catkins and pussy willow...those were the days.....

  8. I hadn't heard about the pesticide incident, what a disgrace, the highways department should be held to account, to hopefully prevent such incidents happening again in future.

    Lucky you, being visited by the greater, spotted woodpecker. Best wishes. Lesley

  9. I heard about this on the news, rubbish!!!
    Love the nature table. I don't have any birds in my garden, I don't invite them in with 2 cats!
    Hope to see you later :)

  10. Hi Sal,
    That news report is too sad
    :( ...isn't it so frustrating that instead of spending money on chemicals, the councils could pay man power to clear far more sensitively.

    As a child I always had a fascination for wild flowers (I loved my Cecily Barker books) and always wrote my primary school 'topics' about them. Glad to see that the nature table hasn't dissappeared from the classroom...well done to you Sal!

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Niki x

  11. Awful news re the orchids. Needless! I love the cover of that Tony Soper bird book.x

  12. I envy the amount of wildlife you must see in your neck of the woods.. but even in our city garden we have plenty of visitors.. even a lesser spotted woodpecker last year .. which was a great thrill for me.. and a slowworm this year..
    It is so easy to take nature for granted.. but once it's gone it's gone!! If the bees go... so do we.. that is a sobering thought!

  13. Hello !
    I've just discovered your lovely blog !
    I'm a French woman, sorry for all the mistakes I make ... and I know I make a lot !
    You live in a beautiful area, I discovered Devon few years ago with my husband and children. We spent two weeks near Slapton and visited the Dartmoor, Exeter, etc ... it was great ! The countryside is so beautiful.
    AmitiƩs de ... France !

  14. I saw the article too. How irresponsible they are. It must have been heartbreaking for those people trying to protect that area.
    Love your collection of books, what sweet pics they have!


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