Friday, 22 May 2009

Pink reigns!

Lewisia and Hydrangea are the beauties in my garden today, don't you think?

I'm taking a blogging break for a bit..hope you all have a great weekend...and I look forward to saying hello to some of you at the V&H Fair next Saturday, 30th May.

Have fun and keep smiling ;-)



  1. Have a wonderul time at the fair!
    Margaret P

  2. I adore hydrangeas.

    I'm hoping to make it to the fair so I'll see you there

    April xx

  3. What's not to love re the flowers? See you next weekend. Really looking forward to it. x

  4. What gloriously coloured flowers, enjoy your blogging break. Have a brilliant Bank Holiday weekend.

    Hope to meet you next week.

    Sue xx

  5. Thanks for the flowers, have a good break, and have a wonderful time at the fair, Sal!

  6. Not only are those flowers beautiful but so is that table.. pleasingly distressed!
    Looking forward to catching up with you at the fair Sal...Just think..this time next week.. gulp!

    Michele x

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Enjoy your break and best of luck with the fair!

  9. Thanks for sharing those beauties, they have really brightened up my day.

  10. Just to let you know that I have set up a new blog to replace my lost one at:

    Hope to see you there soon!

  11. Enjoy your break, Sal. Hope the V&H Fair goes well and that you sell loads of your lovely crafts:)

  12. I hope that you return from your break soon Sal. You can get on and dig that hole now! I think a pond would look wonderful in your garden. And yes they are Pink Beauties.

  13. Have a lovely break Sal - hope you get some sunshine. :-) x

  14. Love the pink! It'll be great to see everyone again, won't it. See you Sat.

    Sue x

  15. Hello Sal

    Yes I too LOVE those Stock Laura Ashley curtains. I tried to obtain another 2 pairs on Ebay during the week but didn't get back to my computer on time. They both went for a silly amount £6 or £7 per pair! YOu can imagine how my heart sank...I wanted them for my lounge!
    Will keep looking. I wish you luck for all your preparations and look forward to meeting you at the V&H fair. I already have an idea of what I hope to buy from you as long as there are still some left by the time I get there!
    See you soon
    Take care
    Isabelle x

  16. Have a lovely break Sal. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower next to roses. I have two plants and wish I could have more but my yard is too sunny for them.

  17. Enjoy your break Sal - see you soon ;-))
    Niki x

  18. Have a great break Sal, and good luck for the fair too. x


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