Wednesday 9 October 2024

A battle!


We are doing battle right now!

In 1995, when most of the development, called Aller Park, where I live, had been completed, a woodland copse remained. Originally earmarked for children’s playground in part of this copse, that didn’t happen. And so a Trust purchased this piece of land from the local council, in order to preserve it…very commendable you might think!

Over the years, this area has continued to thrive as a wildlife area. An abundance of wildlife exists there, including bats, dormice, foxes, badgers, deer and hedgehogs and so many varieties of birds. Tree preservation orders exist. It’s an important area for biodiversity and it’s vital that it stays as it is! 

However, it now transpires that a local resident and member of this Trust, wants to have two houses built on part of the land and he has submitted plans to the planning dept. Greed reigns! Houses are expensive here!

The whole aim of the Trust has been cast aside! Nature has been given a kick in the teeth…as have the local residents who were assured that when they bought their properties, nearby, that the copse was protected.

In 2007, a similar planning application was turned down…now he is having another try!

It’s a sad state of affairs because in this day and age, there is so much corruption and little transparency!

If anyone is reading this and they are local to the area, please visit THIS page to object!

Saturday 5 October 2024

My family’s love of nature!

I have always said that the best thing about nature is that you can see it for free; that’s if you bother to open your eyes! 

As a primary school teacher, nature always played a big part in my classroom…and especially the nature table! Sadly, that avenue of pleasure seems to have died out in many classrooms today. But in mine it was a real treat. As well as this, as a 5 year old, I recall many nature walks with the teacher! 

And I like to think that I’ve passed on this love of nature to my children and grandchildren.

My eldest grandson, who is 11, has the bug. He is soooooo keen! And his dad has made two wildlife ponds in their wonderful garden.


It didn’t take long for many creatures to find their way to such a lovely environment! He sends me regular updates and he becomes very excited when he gets home from school and ventures outside! 


Frogs are regular visitors and then look at this! Here is Striped Emperor Dragonfly nymph,that he identified recently.


And here’s another Dragonfly nymph, below…

And then along came…a newt! He sent me this video just as the newt was climbing out of their smaller pond. Do watch!

And that’s not all! To my surprise, this morning, I received a message from my son, who, unfortunately, had to get up in the middle of the night to take the dog outside! BUT…what a reward he had for doing this. As there on his garden wall….a newt! 

Isn’t nature wonderful? I think so!

Sunday 29 September 2024

Look forward - part 3

 Look forward - part 3

The year flew by. Mum and dad had been very generous, meaning that Beth had managed to save a deposit for her own home, not too far away from her family. She had also applied for a permanent post in a small, village school, a mile away, and after an interview,( to her amazement), she was offered the job to start in September, giving her the whole of the summer to prepare. Everything was falling into place! Beth was steadily getting her life back on track.

Picking up the keys to her new home, Beth couldn’t help but smile to herself. She had found a delightful cottage not far from the sea and not far from her school so that she could walk to work! Beth set to, buying furniture and decorating throughout, in readiness for her proper moving in day. She couldn’t wait for her first night in her new home. As she was busying herself, waiting for her new bed to be delivered later in the day, there was a quiet knock on the door. Beth wasn’t expecting anyone and so she answered, cautiously.

‘Hi, I’m Matt! I live next door. I thought I’d pop around to welcome you to the area!’ 

And there stood, a tall, handsome man of about her age, with a twinkle in his eyes. Beth was tongue tied to start with but managed to compose herself. 

‘Hi’ she replied, ‘Come in. I’m afraid I’m still in a state of upheaval!’ 

She hastily managed to find somewhere for Matt to perch. 

‘No problem! We’re a friendly bunch around here,’ he said, smiling. ‘ I moved here a year ago and I couldn’t be happier.’ He continued,‘We’re having a bit of a get together next Saturday, a barbecue in my back garden, to which you are invited. It would certainly be a good way for you to get to know all of us! Just bring a bottle and join in the fun!’

‘Wonderful! I’ll be there! And thank you!’ smiled Beth, shyly. She was grateful to be included so quickly. 

Her bed arrived a couple of hours later and having had such a busy day, Beth slept really well that night!  

However, next day started very early…because birds do not respect the fact that humans need their sleep!!

‘Gulls! Grrrrr!’ Beth laughed as she got out of bed. Some things never change, she thought, as she got on with the first of many tasks. 

Glancing out of the window, she could see the day waking up: she noticed the postie making his way from house to house, on his rounds; she saw the neighbours throwing back their curtains; and she watched as the sun was eagerly making its way into the street. And there was Matt, up and about very early, taking his dog for a walk. For the first time in a long time there were no tears in Beth’s eyes but instead there was a wide smile on her face as well as a feeling of contentment within her. Beth made some coffee and sat down on the tiny window seat, just in time to see Matt returning and waving to her. Beth waved back to him.

‘Look forward,’ murmured Beth and all of a sudden, life didn’t seem quite so bad!  😁